50 minutes
25 minutes
50 minutes
25 minutes
50 minutes
25 minutes
25 minutes
25 minutes
25 minutes
30 minutes
50 minutes
30 minutes
Relaxation is the key to a healthy life
Cancellation Policy
If you have an appointment booked and cannot attend, please make sure you cancel it with at least 48 hours’ notice.
Failure to do so will incure a cancellation fee.
Terms & Conditions Policy
*Cancellation outside of 48 hours’ notice - nothing to pay.
* Cancellation less than 48 hours - 50% of the treatment fee.
* Cancellation less than 24 hours - 100% of the treatment fee.
* No-show - 100% of the treatment fee to be paid before attending another appointment.
I feel these conditions are reasonable as I cannot fill an appointment with less than 48 hours' notice.
Thank you for understanding and supporting my small business.
Allison x